
May their tenure be marked by unity, purpose, and positive impact on the legal profession.

CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE ON THE APPOINTMENT OF THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE NBA WOMEN FORUM As the immediate past Chairperson of the Nigerian Bar Association Women Forum (NBAWF), I am deeply honored to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the newly appointed Executive Committee and Governing Council of the Forum. Their appointment marks the beginning of an exciting chapter, building on the strong foundation that has been laid in the past years. The composition of this capable and dynamic leadership team reflects the remarkable diversity, expertise, and dedication required to steer the Forum toward even greater heights. Each member brings a wealth of experience, passion, and commitment to advancing the cause of female lawyers in Nigeria, and I have no doubt that they will continue to inspire and empower women across the legal profession. I extend my best wishes to the new Chairperson, **Huwaila Mohammed**, who I know will lead with grace, wisdom,

The NBA is saddened about the flood that recently ravaged Borno State.

Borno Flooding: Nigerian Bar Association Mobilizes Resources to Provide Urgent Welfare Support & urges colleagues to support affected colleagues Dear colleagues,  The NBA is saddened about the flood that recently ravaged Borno State. We commiserate with the families whose homes, businesses and properties were affected by it. In particular, we sympathize with our colleagues who were affected by same. We understand this unfortunate incident has caused unimaginable loss and hardship, displacing countless residents and severely affecting our colleagues in the legal profession. While we stand in steadfast solidarity with our colleagues who have suffered any manner of loss from this disaster, we wish to reassure you of our commitment to providing immediate support and relief during this difficult time. As you read this letter, our delegation to Maiduguri would have arrived not only to commiserate with you but to carry out an on-the-spot assessment of the damages caused to our

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is deeply saddened and outraged by the brutal assassination of one of her members, Lucky Nonso Emeh Esq

NBA Condemns the gruesome Murder of her Member, Lucky Nonso Emeh, Esq., calls on Security agencies to bring perpetrators to Justice The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is deeply saddened and outraged by the brutal assassination of one of her members, Lucky Nonso Emeh Esq. of the Aba Branch, who was tragically murdered by yet-to-be-identified gunmen on Monday, 2nd September 2024, at his residence in Aba, Abia State. This gruesome act is not only an assault on the legal profession but also an affront to justice, the rule of law, and the sanctity of human life. The NBA strongly condemns this hopeless killing and calls on security agencies to investigate this heinous crime. We urge the relevant authorities to leave no stone unturned in unravelling those behind this wicked act and to bring them to justice without delay. The NBA is committed to ensuring that the perpetrators of this evil act are apprehended and made to face the full weight of the law. The leadership of NBA Aba is

NBA urge the government to prioritize the welfare of its citizens

NBA Decries Fuel Price Hike, Calls for Immediate Reconsideration The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) expresses its profound concern and strong condemnation over the recent increase in the pump price of fuel by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC), which has risen sharply from 617 Naira to about 900 Naira. This significant and abrupt hike has imposed an unbearable burden on the already overstretched finances of ordinary Nigerians, further aggravating the economic challenges faced by millions across the country. The cascading effects of such a steep increase in fuel prices on the cost of living, transportation, and essential goods and services are deeply troubling. Many Nigerians are already grappling with inflation, unemployment, and other forms of hardship, and this additional financial strain is simply unsustainable. If allowed to persist, this price hike will only deepen the poverty and hardship experienced by the citizens. While the NBA acknowledges the necessit

A dawn of a new era for the legal community

Congratulations, Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN, Presiding Nigerian Bar Association.  On behalf of Members of the Caliphate Bar, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you as you assumed the mantle of leadership as the 32nd President of our dear Association, the Nigerian Bar Association. This remarkable achievement is a testament to your unwavering dedication, exceptional legal acumen, and tireless commitment to advancing the legal profession in Nigeria. As you assume this prestigious role, we are confident that your leadership will inspire positive changes and uphold the highest standards of justice and equity. Your vision, experience, and passion will undoubtedly guide the NBA to new heights, fostering unity within the Association and promoting the interests of both the legal community and the broader society. We look forward to seeing the positive impact of your tenure and wish you every success as you lead the NBA into a new era of excellence. Once again, congratulations, and

A Call to Duty in Challenging Times: The Agenda For A Proactive Bar

INAUGURAL SPEECH BY MAZI AFAM JOSIAH OSIGWE, SAN PRESIDENT OF THE NIGERIAN BAR ASSOCIATION ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 2024 INAUGURAL SPEECH BY MAZI AFAM JOSIAH OSIGWE, SAN PRESIDENT OF THE NIGERIAN BAR ASSOCIATION ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 2024 Protocol Our Mandate I stand before you today filled with a profound sense of gratitude and humility as I accept the enormous responsibility and honour of serving as the 32nd President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA). This moment is not just a personal milestone but a testament of the collective will of the esteemed members of our noble Association and its unwavering commitment to the principles of justice, equity, and the rule of law. You have reposed a lot of responsibilities on us: I and other members of the National Executive Committee, by electing us to steer the affairs of our Association for the next two years. We are profoundly grateful for the trust and confidence you have placed in us. The mandate you have given us clearly

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AFAM OKEKE A BAR LEADER WITH SO MUCH GOODWILL : By Maurice Ebam esq one time past Social Secretary YLF NBA Unity Bar.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AFAM OKEKE A BAR LEADER WITH SO MUCH GOODWILL : By Maurice Ebam esq one time past Social Secretary YLF NBA Unity Bar.  Today, I celebrate this erudite Bar man and leader with so much good will  from both the elders of the Bar and the younger lawyers alike. Mr. Afam Okeke is the immediate past chairman of NBA Abuja Unity Bar, a true Bar man. Afam Okeke is a Bar leader truly loved,respected, and admired, irrespective of branches. With an open door, he does not discriminate and would listen to anyone always. Indeed his selflessness is truly admirable .Such  qualities which are currently missing from most leaders and even elders.  Coincidentally, his birthday falls on the same day our Bar President Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN will be taking his official office as the 32nd Bar President.  I celebrate today and always this Bar man with so much good will.